Tuesday 10 August 2021

Anritsu’s Measurement Solutions for 5G NR Communications at Anritsu Test and Measurement Web Expo – Spring 2021 | ELE Times

Networks featuring high-speed and large capacity, ultra-low latency and simultaneous multiple connections are evolving continuously as we enter the 5G NR communications era. In addition to faster smartphone and tablet data connections, 5G NR also has applications in the industrial fields, including automobiles and disaster prevention. As a key infrastructure for implementing sustainable societies, 5G NR is expected to help solve a variety of issues, including reducing information gaps among people, preventing road accidents, and more. The measurement solutions of Anritsu help ensure compatibility with international standards as well as communication quality at every stage, including the development, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of smart devices, mobile and fixed networks, cloud data centres, and more for 5G NR communications.

The Anritsu Web Expo introduces the company’s newest communications technology developments and test solutions categorized into four market-growth themes, including required measurements at the 5G-expansion stage, automotive advances, and high-speed digital interfaces.

ELE Times correspondent Mayank Vashisht had an opportunity to have an insightful conversation with Madhukar Tripathi, Associate Director- Optical Business & Marketing, Anritsu Pvt. Ltd, India about the upcoming webinar and the solutions that Anritsu is proving for 5G NR testing and about its industrial application. Excerpts:

Madhukar Tripathi, Associate Director- Optical Business & Marketing, Anritsu Pvt. Ltd, India

ELE Times: How Anritsu see COVID-19 impact on T&M Industry and reaching to customer in new normal time.

Madhukar Tripathi: Anritsu feel significant impact on telecom industry due to pandemic COVID-19. Pandemic taught us new way to do business and think beyond traditional business methods. Many customers faced tough time due to COVID-19 – production of telecom devices suffered along with workforce in R&D and production. Some customer postponed or cancelled R&D, production investment plan leading to slow growth of T&M. Now we also hear about semiconductor chip shortage as global cause of concern. This shortage is impacting telecom, automotive, IoT industry.

Anritsu has explored all possible options to remain in touch with its customers during this new normal time and during COVID-19. We promoted work from home and followed all protocols for employee’s safety and supporting customer. Our Application Engineering Team / Technical Support team supported customers remotely. We dispatched demo instruments for supporting customer demonstration request. Anritsu participated in many virtual exhibition, webinars to share new test solution to telecom industry.

Anritsu launched new online web expo known as Anritsu Web Expo Spring 2021. This expo focus on four main technology applications being supporting by Anritsu Test & Measurement solutions listed below-

  • 5G NR Device Test Solution
  • Connected Car Test Solution
  • 5G NR Field Test Solution
  • High Speed 400G/800G/PCIe Test Solution

Each section have video for better understanding of solution and its application in current scenrio. Product details along with application notes has been placed here for easy access.  I hope customer will visit Anritsu Web Expo Spring 2021 to explore latest Test & Measurement solutions.

5G NR smart device spread.

ELE Times: What test solutions are you providing for 5G NR Smart Device?

Madhukar Tripathi: Anritsu offers multiple Test and Measurement solution based on customer’s current project applications and future plan.

Here we talk about 2 main 5G T&M Solutions from Anritsu

  • Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A
  • 5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR

Background: 5G mobile communications systems use multiple connections to meet the need for increases in mobile data traffic volumes as well as new functions such as ultra-low latency. 3GPP determining the standards released the 5G NR non-standalone (NSA) specifications for making connections via multiple radio technologies, such as LTE, in Release 15 in June 2018. Release 15 presumes the use of frequency bands up to 52.6 GHz and specifies the band from 450 MHz to 6 GHz as FR1 (Frequency Range 1), and from 24.25 GHz to 52.6 GHz as FR2 (Frequency Range 2). FR1 assumes use of the same wired tests as conventional wireless technologies whereas FR2 assumes OTA (Over the Air) testing.

Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A is a new platform for developing 5G communications terminals, chipsets and devices. With support for both signaling and RF tests, this all-in-one platform can be configured easily for various tests, including RF, protocol, and use-case tests matching the module construction. Anritsu—the leader in 4G testing—is also now taking the lead in 5G.

Figure-1 Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A

Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A supports both 5G NR RF measurements and protocol tests in sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave bands. With the RF Chamber MA8171A, the MT8000A provides integrated OTA environment for beamforming test, etc.

5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR is new plateform, a combination of multiple test solution to meet current requirement of 5G device testing.

5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR supports both protocol conformance test (PCT) and carrier acceptance test (CAT) for UE manufacturers and test houses. ME7834NR covers not only 5G but also LTE/LTE-Advanced and UMTS. It can flexibly configure PCT and CAT environment by combining components of Hardware, Software and Test Package.

All-in-One 5G NR Support for Protocol Conformance Tests and Carrier Acceptance Test:

The ME7834NR is the test platform for 3GPP based Protocol Conformance Tests (PCT) and Carrier Acceptance Testing (CAT) of mobile devices incorporating Multiple Radio Access Technologies (RAT). The ME7834NR supports 5G New Radio (NR) Technology in both Standalone and NonStandalone mode, in addition to LTE, LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), LTE-A Pro, and W-CDMA.

Supports 3GPP defined bands from Sub-6GHz to mm-Wave: The 5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR covers the 5G frequency bands defined by 3GPP including sub-6 GHz and millimeter Wave when combined with Anritsu’s new OTA chamber MA8171A and RF converter.

Upgrade your current ME7834 system for 5G The 5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR provides a smooth transition to 5G whilst continuing to support LTE, LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), LTE-A Pro and legacy W-CDMA technologies. This enables existing customers to upgrade to 5G whilst capitalizing on a well proven LTE-A test environment and stay abreast of the latest technology evolution.

Figure-2: 5G Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR

SmartStudio NR MX800070A is a GUI-based state machine for simulating 5G/LTE base stations and core networks. In addition to test-scenario development, this comprehensive test environment supports highly reproducible communications conditions between 5G networks and user equipment (UE) as well as presumed functions, application operations, and software regression testing.

5G Device Function Test Examples includes

  • Network Interconnectivity and Carrier Aggregation Tests
  • Power Consumption and Temperature Tests
  • IP Throughput Performance Tests
  • IMS Tests
  • Application Tests via Internet to Actual and Test Servers.

 SmartStudio NR Functions

  • Sub-6 GHz (FR1) RF cable and Over The Air (OTA) connections
  • mmWave (FR2) OTA connection in combination with original-design, compact shield box
  • GUI-based cell parameter setting and protocol monitoring (PHY/MAC/RLC/PDCP/L3)
  • Built-in SMS, PWS Center, and IMS Server
  • Quasi-normal/abnormal status simulation using Network Trigger

Solutions Supporting the Automotive Evolution

ELE Times: Please tell us about the solutions for supporting the automotive evolution that enables Mobility as a Service (MaaS) simulation on the desktop. In what ways these solutions are going to be helpful for the automotive industries?

Madhukar Tripathi: Various key technologies are being developed for the advancement of autonomous driving and the realization of a connected society. Cellular V2X (C-V2X), which uses a cellular network capable of high-speed, low latency communication, is one of them. It is critical to confirm that reliable communication can happen under various conditions through wireless verification and use case verification. Anritsu provides a solution that enables Mobility as a Service (MaaS) simulation on the desktop and allows intuitive operation to evaluate the C-V2X communication function of the in-vehicle device.

Anritsu’s solution for evaluating C-V2X PC5 communications functions features an easy-to-understand GUI which eliminates the need to program test scenarios, helping cut equipment configuration costs.

C-V2X PC5 for implementing the connected car is a key element for self-driving vehicles and is defined by 3GPP Release 14. The PC5 interface handles data communications about dangerous road conditions and driving support while the low-latency and high-reliability C-V2X communications technology makes the connected car a reality.

The LTE V2X PC5 Communications Software MX725000A works with the communications reference module, GNSS simulator, and V2X emulator software to evaluate the C-V2X PC5 communications functions, which are expected to become widespread in future vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications. This software supports the typical use cases defined by national ITS standards.

5G NR Field Test Solution

ELE Times: What new testing solutions Anritsu is providing for the 5G NR Field test?

Madhukar Tripathi: The expansion of high-speed, large-capacity communications, such as 5G NR, demand for installation of Core, Metro and Access networks is increasing, as well as simultaneous development of devices for high-speed lines. Installing and maintaining end-to-end lines and increasing workloads will require more efficient measurement solutions.

The handheld Field Master Pro MS2090A IQ capture and streaming option captures IQ data at frequencies up to 54 GHz. Providing real-time signal capture, users can get unrivaled insight into interference by capturing and analyzing interfering signal bursts that cannot be monitored with conventional swept-tuned spectrum analyzers. Additionally, new electromagnetic field (EMF) measurement enables the monitoring of electric field power levels, confirming that the total radiated power does not exceed government (FCC and ICNIRP limit) recommendations and the site is safe for both the public and installers.

Figure-3 Field Master Pro MS2090A

Key 5G Field Measurement using Field Master Pro MS2090A

5GNR base station measurement – validate the performance of the gNB base station with essential measurements that are in full compliance with 3GPP TS 38.104 V15, including: frequency error, time offset, cell/sector ID, modulation quality, unwanted emissions, occupied bandwidth, adjacent channel leakage ratio, transmitter spurious to 12.75 GHz, EIRP, synchronization signal block (SSB).

5G coverage mapping – receive a clear representation of the signal strength of 5G transmitters over intended geographic area by continuously measuring RF data – including 5G channel power, EIRP, or RSRP – with results graphically displayed on a digital map or building floor plan.

All-in-One support from network equipment testing & evaluation to network I&M (MT1000A)

The portable MT1000A Network Master Pro tester supports various network interfaces, including Ethernet from 1.5M to 100G, OTN (OTU1 to OTU4), eCPRI/CPRI/OBSAI, FC, etc. Its wide application range includes PTP clock sync accuracy evaluation for Ethernet up to 25G, IP broadcast circuit quality evaluation, 4K/8K video streaming IP network evaluation, 5G/local 5G network evaluation (latency), GIGA-scale construction evaluation and more.

MT1000A is modular test platform to meet current requirement of 10G network test and upgrade for 100G as and when required. In addition to this OTDR and Video Inspection probe can be also added to inspect connector and trouble shoots issues in optical fiber network.

Network Master Pro MT1000A Key Features:

  • Full range of Transport, OTDR and CPRI RF modules
  • Supports optical mobile backhaul, fronthaul, metro and core networks
  • Upgradeable structure to support to future network requirements
  • Highly efficiency for large-capacity core and metro I&M
  • Automated measurement functions simplifying work processes.
Figure-4 Network Master Pro MT1000A usage in field – Mobile Network

SEEK (Scenario Editing Environment Kit) MX100003A is very important feature of Network Master Pro MT1000A. This is GUI (drag & drop) based automation tool to be used with Network Master Pro. Network Master Pro have the One-Button Test Mode by creating a settings file for each manual procedure enables field technicians to run tests and complete pass/fail evaluations with a single click.

Automation of commissioning tests shortens test times and cuts costs as key value proposition.

Reduces Field Technician Workload

Automated testing with measuring instrument which eliminates re-work while on-site – Simplification enables less experienced technicians to achieve the same level of accuracy as experienced technicians.

Shortens Test Times

  • Reduces workload by automation of configuration and saving settings and results for each test
  • On-the-spot evaluation ensures decision to re-test upon a result failure can be completed with full confidence
  • High Speed Solutions

ELE Times: What solutions Anritsu is providing to meet the high speed communication requirement of industry? 

Madhukar Tripathi: Data centers supporting next-generation, high-speed, large-capacity 5G mobile communications are progressing with introduction of equipment meeting the 400GbE communications standard, while also starting investigation of 800GbE and 1.6 TbE standards to facilitate even faster speeds. The PAM4 transmission method used by 400GbE expresses digital data using four voltage levels per unit time to transmit twice as much data compared to the earlier conventional NRZ*6 method.

Testing of fifth-generation (5G) communications network systems meeting enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC), and massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) requirements is in progress.

The Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A is a plug-in modular multichannel BERT; the PAM4 BERT module supports bit error rate (BER) measurements of 400G high-speed interfaces as well as next-generation 800G.

With high-quality waveforms up to 64 Gbaud and high input sensitivity performance, it provides strong support for PAM4 device certification. Additionally, the all-in-one Jitter Addition, Clock Recovery, Equalizer, Emphasis, PAM4 Pattern Editing, Capture, SER functions, and more, make it easy to configure a PAM4 measurement system with high-reproducibility measurement results.

Figure-5: Signal Quality Analyser BERT

All-in-One Total Support Solution for Future PCIe 6.0 (PAM4) and PCIe 1.0-5.0

The Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A series SI BERT module supports automated Jitter Tolerance tests with a Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG) outputting high-quality multichannel NRZ signals over a wideband at 2.4 to 32.1 Gbit/s, a pattern generator, a high-input-sensitivity Error Detector (ED), a jitter generator. In addition to all-in-one support for PCIe 1.0 to 5.0 Compliance Tests, the MP1900A also supports leading-edge next-generation PCIe 6.0 (PAM4 32 Gbaud) evaluation.

Mayank VAshisht | Sub Editor | ELE Times

The post Anritsu’s Measurement Solutions for 5G NR Communications at Anritsu Test and Measurement Web Expo – Spring 2021 appeared first on ELE Times.

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