Thursday 4 February 2021

T Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus ISIS

T flip flop, T Flip Flop in Proteus, Proteus simulation of T Flip Flop, toggle flip flop in Proteus. flip flop in Proteus.Hey Learners! I welcome you on the behalf of The Engineering Projects. I hope you are doing Great. If you are seeking for the best information about the T Flip Flop along with some small concepts and the Practical Performance, then you are at the right article. In this session you will get the following topics:
  • What are T Flip Flops?
  • What are the Functions of Preset and Clear Input in T Flip Flop?
  • How can we Design the Truth Table of T Flip Flop?
  • How can you perform the T Flip Flop simulation in very simple and useful way?

Moreover, you will also get some pieces of information in DID YOU KNOW sections. so without wasting time, lets Jump into the answer of 1st Question.

T Flip Flop

T Flip Flop belongs to the family of Flip Flops and Latches and we define the T Flip Flop as:

T Flip Flops are bi-stable sequential Logic Circuits that are the modification of SR Flip Flops and contain just one input called T and two outputs called Q and Q’ and a Clock input in the circuit. “

The Circuit is similar to the JK Flip Flop but the inputs are connected with the same Logic toggle and we control the Circuit with the help of Preset and Clear inputs. Furthermore, a Clock is used to synchronize the signals. we’ll talk about this feature in upcoming sections.

DID YOU KNOW????????????????

The T Flip Flop is the modification in the JK Flip Flop that has two inputs and two outputs.

Function of Preset and Clear inputs in T Flip Flops

The Function of Preset and Clear is important. Both of these are the Synchronous Inputs. By saying this, we mean that these inputs are out of the Influence of the Clock. We change the values of these inputs, the working mechanism change according to the conditions. It seems that these inputs are not important yet they are important because one can use the circuit in different ways according to the requirements.

In out Circuit and Truth Table, we denote the Preset as “P” and Clear as “C”. You can Make a circuit without these inputs but it may have less functionality and working.

Working mechanism of T Flip Flop

The T Flip Flop work very similar to the JK Flip Flop but it has the difference that it can toggle with the situation of JK Flip Flop. Let’s have a look at the situations in T Flip Flops.

DID YOU KNOW?????????????????

The T Flip Flops also called the Toggle Flip Flops. the toggling action is the presses in which the circuit is changed from 1 to 0 and vise versa.

When P=1 and C=0

In this condition, the Circuit is in the Set Condition. It means, the condition of Q will be same as the T . if T=1 then Q=1 and vise versa.

When P=0,C=1

This is the condition where the Circuit is in the RESET condition. The Q remains HIGH irrespective of the value of T. Toggle input have the influence on the Q’. the Output Q’ follows the same condition as the T.

When P=0,C=0

In this Condition, the value of Toggle input does not have any effect on the Output, they remain open always.

When P=1,C=1

for this situation. the output is of Q is HIGH for a while then low and Q’ is High.

DID YOU KNOW?????????????????

You can also use an IC for the T Flip Flop. It will be more easy and effective but it has a fixed working that is not good for the learning purpose.

T Flip Flop Truth Table

If we look at the discussion above, we’ll get an idea that the T Flip Flop work according to the values of synchronous Inputs. Here’s the T Flip Flop Truth Table:


Condition P C CLK T Q Q’
SET 1 0 High 0 0 1
1 0 High 1 1 1
Reset 0 1 High 0 1 0
0 1 High 1 1 1
invalid 0 0 High 0 1 1
High 1
Invalid 1 1 High 0 0 1
High 1 1 1

Hence, now we have a great idea what does T Flip Flop do. Let’s design the circuit of T Flip Flop in Proteus using all these concepts.

DID YOU KNOW??????????????????

When Clock is LOW, one can examine a totally different behavior of the Circuit.

T Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus ISIS

  • Now we will design T Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus Software.
  • Here’s the components list, which will be required for this simulation:

Components Required

  1. 3 input NAND Gate.
  2. 2 Input NAND Gate.
  3. Logic Toggle.
  4. LED-red.
  5. Ground Terminal.
  6. Connecting Wires.
  • Choose the 1st four components from the Pick Library through “P” Button one after the other.
  • Set Four 3 input NAND Gate at the screen vertically just like shown in the image below:

T flip flop, T Flip Flop in Proteus, Proteus simulation of T Flip Flop, toggle flip flop in Proteus. flip flop in Proteus.


  • Take two Logic Toggles and set them just before the Gate 1 and one in between Gate 1 and 2 one by one.
  • Take 1 logic Toggle and set it just upper side of the system.
  • Repeat the step with the lower area of the Circuit.
  • Get the LED and place it after the Gate Q.
  • Repeat the step with the Q’ Gate.
  • Grab the Ground Terminal From the Terminal Mode>Ground present at the left side of screen and connect 1 with the end of LED of Q and Q’.
  • Connect all the components with the help of connecting wires according to the image given below:

T flip flop, T Flip Flop in Proteus, Proteus simulation of T Flip Flop, toggle flip flop in Proteus. flip flop in Proteus.


  • Change the Values at the Logic toggles and observe the result.

DID YOU KNOW?????????????????

One can use the Clock Terminal present in the pick Library. But it will be difficult to understand the conditions and outputs because it is less demonstrative.

Truss, today we saw what are the T Flip Flops, How does Preset and Clear work in the T Flip Flops, how can we design the Truth Table of T Flip Flop and how can we design the whole simulation of T Flip Flop in Proteus ISIS.

If you want to learn more about the circuits and simulation of Logical and Electronic Circuits, you can check our other tutorials and experiments as well.

The post T Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus ISIS appeared first on The Engineering Projects.

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