Tuesday 26 January 2021

TDA7294 Power Amplifier Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Introduction to tda7294, tda7294 pinout, tda7294 features, tda7294 applicationsHi Guys! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to TDA7294.

TDA7294 is a monolithic class AB power-based audio amplifier that comes with a DMOS output stage. It is primarily used for the amplification of audio signals in Hi-Fi field applications containing self-powered loudspeakers. The fault protection circuitry used in this device provides protection against short-circuits.

I suggest you read this post all the way through, as I’ll detail the complete introduction to TDA7294 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications.

Let’s get started.

Introduction to TDA7294

  • TDA7294 is a monolithic class AB power-based audio amplifier that comes with a DMOS output stage.
  • This device comes with a wide voltage supply range and can drive loads of 4Ω and 8Ω.
  • This chip comes in multi watt 15V and 15H packages and offers protection against thermal shutdown.
  • It is widely used in the amplification of audio signals in Hi-Fi field applications.
  • The high power loudspeakers incorporate this chip for producing the perfect bass sound.
  • You can attach this device with a heat sink and it is capable of generating an output power of around 100 watts.

Introduction to tda7294, tda7294 pinout, tda7294 features, tda7294 applications

  • Producing audio signals with high efficiency and high power is the main goal of this amplifier.
  • This chip comes with standby and mute functions with the main aim to remove the noises generated as a result of switching.

TDA7294 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your project, it’s wise to have a look at the datasheet of the component that details the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of TDA7294.

TDA7294 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of TDA7294.

Introduction to tda7294, tda7294 pinout, tda7294 features, tda7294 applications

TDA7294 Pin Description

Hope you’ve got a brief idea about this device. In this section, we’ll cover the pin description of each pin incorporated on the chip.

Pin – 01: Stand-by-GND

This is an output pin that is attached to the ground.

Pin – 02, 03: Inverting input, Non-inverting input

These are the audio amplifier input pins.

Pin – 04: SVR

SVR stands for supply voltage rejection pin that is mainly used to remove the noise from the output signal.

Pin – 05, 11, 12: NC

These are non-connected pins.

Pin – 06: Bootstrap

The bootstrap pin is mainly employed to boost the output swing with a capacitor attached to this pin.

Pin – 07, 08: -, +

We will attach these pins to the positive and negative leads of the voltage supply.

Pin – 09: Stand by

This pin is used to run output in a low current mode.

Pin – 10: Mute

It is mainly employed to disable the output signal.

Pin – 13: 15: -, + Power supply

These pins represent the power supply terminals.

Pin – 14: Out

This is an output pin that offers an amplified audio signal.

TDA7294 Features

The following are the main features of TDA7294.

  • Contains high operating voltage range of +40V to -40V
  • Low distortion and low noise.
  • Comes with a DMOS output stage.
  • The threshold voltage for Standby OFF is 3.5V and standby ON is 1.5V.
  • High power output around 100W.
  • Maximum peak output current = 10A.
  • Features built-in protection circuitry against thermal shutdown and short circuit.
  • Additional functions include mute and stand-by.
  • Open-loop gain = 80dB.

TDA7294 Equivalents

The following are the equivalents to the TDA7294.

  • TDA2030
  • LM386
  • LM3886
  • LM4871
  • TDA2040
  • TDA7293
  • TDA7295

While working with these equivalents, double-check the pinout of these alternatives, as the pinout of these alternatives might differ from the pinout of TDA7294.

TDA7294 Applications

TDA7294 is employed in the following applications:

  • Radio & TV
  • Self-powered loudspeakers
  • Bridge circuits
  • Subwoofers and home stereo systems

That’s all for today. Hope you’ve got a brief insight into the Introduction to TDA7294. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can approach me in the section below, I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep coming back with quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

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