Tuesday 19 January 2021

Indian state of Maharashtra sets goal of adding 17GW of renewable energy capacity by 2025 | ELE Times

The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government has come out with a renewable energy policy that has set a target of adding 17,385MW renewable energy capacity by 2025. It was cleared by the cabinet. An investment of Rs 75,000 crore is expected in this sector in the coming five years.

Other than this, a lot of solar energy will be generated in off-grid mode especially by installing 1 lakh solar farm pumps every year. The current installed capacity is 9,305MW and work on projects having 2,123MW capacity is in progress.

The mammoth share of the total target belongs to solar — 12,930MW. Other sources include wind — 2,500MW, bagasse and agricultural waste — 1,350MW, small hydroelectric — 380MW, municipal solid waste — 200MW and new technologies — 25MW.

The policy envisages a government expenditure of Rs4,250 crore for achieving this target. The state will not spend any money on bagasse, hydroelectric and wind energy projects. The entire investment will be done by private players.

Increase in solar capacity through various routes has been stated in the policy. 10,000MW solar capacity will be added by setting up plants with minimum 1MW capacity. Private players will be selected through competitive bidding.

A major boost for solar rooftop has been envisaged under this policy. The state aims to add another 2,000MW in coming five years. Another 500MW capacity will be added by converting water supply schemes in urban as well as rural areas to solar.

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